- Meet Our New Executive DirectorWe are excited to announce that Colton Neely will be joining us in July as our new Executive Director. Mr. Neely is a graduate of the University of Iowa with a degree in History and Museum Studies and has a number of years of experience with the Living History Farms, Ankeny Historic Museum, Benton County… Read more: Meet Our New Executive Director
- Meet Our New Assistant DirectorWe are excited to announce that Tim Blackwell will be joining us in July as our first Assistant Director. Mr. Blackwell graduated from Illinois College with a degree in History. His experience includes the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, the Paul Findley Congressional Office Museum, the Jacksonville Area… Read more: Meet Our New Assistant Director
- DMCHS Seeks New Board MembersThe Des Moines County Historical Society currently has two openings for at-large board members. Board members’ full terms are three years with monthly board meetings at 1:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month. Board members are expected to attend DMCHS events and actively serve on a committee such as Marketing, Collections, Fundraising, Events… Read more: DMCHS Seeks New Board Members
- Early Iowa Paleo PeopleHave you ever wondered who the first people to colonize Iowa were, or why they left so few traces behind? Ever wondered what their lives were like? Then we have the program for you! On June 25th, 2022 Dr. Julie Morrow (PhD) will be at the Heritage Museum to give a once in a lifetime… Read more: Early Iowa Paleo People
- Crinoids Return to Burlingon!Well, it has been a long 111 years, but…CRINOIDS ARE BACK IN BURLINGTON! DMCHS was recently gifted with a world class collection of crinoids, marking the first time in 111 years that Des Moines County has had a significant collection of these fossils. Why is this important? Since the 19th century, Burlington has been known… Read more: Crinoids Return to Burlingon!