If you are looking for somewhere out of the ordinary for your next event, we have just the thing for you! The lower level of the Heritage Museum, including the Bart Howard Lounge and event room are available for hosting your next event.
The Bart Howard Lounge has a capacity of fifty-file (55) and the event room has a capacity of seventy-five (75) for a total capacity of 130 attendees.
General Conditions
- The RENTAL FEE is $50 per hour for members and $65 per hour for non-members. Rental time must include set up and clean up time. No events are to extend past 10:00 pm, including clean up time.
- A non-refundable $100 retainer is required to reserve a date. Any remaining balance is due 14 days prior to event.
- Included in the rental are the Columbia Street Foyer, Bart Howard Lounge Room, Event Room and lower level restrooms. Tables and chairs in the rooms are provided at no extra charge.
- All cleanup is the responsibility of the rentee. (Rentee is NOT responsible for vacuuming and mopping floors.) An on-duty staff member should be notified in case of any spills or damage.
- If the rental period is outside of museum hours, the main entrance will remain locked and all guests are expected to enter and exit the Columbia Street door.
- Rental of rooms does NOT include admission to main & upper level of museum. Other areas of the building are off limits unless regular admission is paid. Use of overhead projector or large screen television must be arranged in advance. Guest Wi-Fi is available.
- The following items are forbidden: bubbles, glitter, and open flames, except for chafing dishes. All candles must be battery operated. Free standing decorations ARE allowed. Nothing is to be attached to walls. Nothing hanging on walls may be removed for the rental period.
- Kitchen use is limited to reheating and serving only. Limited space may be available in the refrigerator in the event room. (This area is not designed for food preparation.) The Rentee must provide all dishes, silverware, etc.
- A member of the organization or family renting the space must be present at all times to ensure that guest behavior and exit time is as expected. Any children present during the rental must have continuous adult supervision.
- There will be a combination of at least two (2) museum staff and/or one (1) staff and one (1)volunteer present during the entire rental period. (If alcohol is served, a staff member will remain at the bar during event.)
- DMCHS is licensed by the State of Iowa to sell beer and wine only. All alcohol on premises must be purchased through DMCHS. No alcohol may be brought in to the building at any time.
- It is recommended to place an alcohol order at the time of signing of the BHL&ER rental agreement.
- A “cash bar” staffed by DMCHS personnel and trained volunteers is preferred. A list of available or suggested beverages will be provided. Requests for specific items is possible based on distributors stock on hand. Orders can be adjusted up to 7 days prior to the rental date.
- Should the rentee wish to provide alcohol to guests at no charge. Either bottles of wine and/or beer(bottled or cans) can be paid for in advance or a “tab” can be run and paid for at the close of the event. The rentee or other guests are not to be behind the bar. Serving can only be done by staff.
- DMCHS may refuse distribution of alcohol at certain events i.e. graduation parties, school events.
- Alcohol inventory is strictly monitored by staff only.
Educational Rentals
- DMCHS offers to waive rental fees for community and educational events. Exclusions exist when selling tickets, charging fees or requesting monetary donations. In all cases the rentee must be associated with a recognized not-for-profit organization or accredited education center and proof is required.
- A completed copy of the Education Waiver must be attached to the Rental Agreement.
- The DMCHS Executive Director must preapprove all waiving of rental fees.
- Rules surrounding the serving of alcohol are still in effect.
Other Conditions
- The Des Moines County Historical Society reserves the right to reject rental contracts and to limit or prohibit specific activities at the discretion of the Executive Director and/or the Board of Directors.
- The Des Moines County Historical Society and/or the Heritage Center will not allow any events that endanger its non-profit status or its Beer & Wine Permit. The right is reserved to refuse or cancel rentals on the basis of availability, safety, or appropriateness of the event as determined by the Executive Director and/or the Board of Directors.
- All rental agreements must be arranged through the Executive Director(s) or his/her designee. Rental agreements are not valid unless signed by a DMCHS representative and the Rentee.
Download the Rental Agreement
The complete, signed rental agreement must be returned to the Executive Director before the rental can be confirmed.