501 N. 4th Street, Burlington, IA 52601


Hours: Wed – Fri 10am -4pm, Sat 10am-3pm

Latest Past Events

Craig Smith: The Beauty and History of the New Crystal Lake Club

Heritage Center 501 N 4th Street, Burlington

The presentation will share from the recorded history of one of the most unique hunting and social clubs located along the Mississippi River. The New Crystal Lake Club has a rich tradition of conservation, preservation and documentation of the natural resources that were originally created even before the levee system and the drainage ditch era […]

Steve Brower: Aldo Leopold and the Roots of the Land Ethic

Heritage Center 501 N 4th Street, Burlington

Biographers, conservationists, and philosophers are interested in identifying the sources of Leopold’s Land Ethic. Through family history research and interviews with the Leopolds, new information has surfaced, explaining how Aldo started on the path to the Land Ethic at a very early age, even before starting school. This program covers some of the high points […]

Janet Hesler: The History of Danville

Heritage Center 501 N 4th Street, Burlington

Bob and Janet Hesler will be discussing the history of Danville and its evolution from a stagecoach stop to a thriving small town in SE Iowa. They will also discuss the Anne Frank pen pal connection and museum. To find out more about these interesting topics, you will want to attend this Town Hall Meeting. […]